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Be fiscally responsible and keep taxes low and Mequon quality of life high

Approximately 22% of your property tax bill goes to the City of Mequon. Nearly 50% goes to the Mequon/Thiensville School District, with the rest going to the State of Wisconsin, Ozaukee County, MATC, and the Sewer Utility. I will focus on that 22% that Mequon controls.

Each dollar of your Mequon tax bill portion is used to support public works, public safety, capital projects, general government services, and City debt, with a small portion going to community services. The graph in the link below from 2021 gives you a good picture of how your City of Mequon tax portion is used.

Mequon does an awesome job using tax money judiciously and providing necessary services with limited resources, and developments like the Town Center help keep your taxes down. If the City could get a larger chunk of the tax bill, a lot more options would be available. I look forward to learning more about this issue and exploring ways to make sure residents receive great services while keeping tax bills as low as possible.



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